Basic Zipper Pouch/Pencil Case

This is a great project to have a first try and sewing a zipper!  Beginner friendly and simple – it can be a pencil case, snack bag, toy bag, change purse or whatever you can imagine. I love these bags as reusable snack bags for lunches and travels!

Level: Advanced Beginner – Intermediate
Time: about 1 class to make!

Supplies Needed:

  • 1/4 yard of a woven fabric for outside of pouch
  • 1/4 yard of a woven fabric for inside of pouch
  • 9″ or longer regular zipper (NOT metal).  Only use metal zipper if this is not your first time making a zipper pouch and you have a bit more experience.  Also, if using a metal zipper the zipper must be the exact size you need!  Other zippers we can shorten.  Make sure it’s not an “invisible or separating” zipper
  • 1 spool of all-purpose thread to coordinate