Waiver and Release of Liability

Sewing Classes are recommended for ages 6 and up. You know your child best. At Cut & Sew Studio, we use sewing machines, sharp scissors, pins and irons. We stress and teach safety every step of the way. Your child must have the maturity and ability to listen, follow directions and use these items safely. 

The staff at Cut & Sew Studio teach students how to use the sewing machines and sewing notions (scissors, pins, iron, etc) in a safe way. However, occasional pin pricks, burns, cuts and accidents do happen including the possibility of injuring a finger with the sewing machine needle.  This is not a common injury by any means, but we do stress to kids safe sewing practices to avoid this injury.  By registering your child for classes at Cut & Sew Studio, you are doing so with this knowledge and understanding. By registering your child for class, you are agreeing that you will not hold Cut & Sew Studio LLC, it’s owner or employees liable for any injury or accident that may occur to your child.  

By registering for class you give permission to the staff and instructors at Cut & Sew Studio to:

  1. Administer first aid if a minor injury occurs,
  2. Contact a parent/guardian or emergency contact if a moderate injury occurs, before contacting emergency services,
  3. Contact emergency services immediately, if deemed necessary, before contacting parent/guardian.
  4. In the case of injury, any cost incurred from the emergency medical treatment or medical transportation to the hospital will solely be the responsibility of the student (or parent/legal guardian if under the age of 18).

I agree to the above studio policies and release of liability.

Child’s name(s) and age(s):(Required)
Clear Signature
Signature of parent or guardian responsible for minor.